BHTA recommends our travel mobility scooter.Luggie Scooters are part of the BHTA meaning we are regulated and recommended as a supplier for travel mobility scooters. The BHTA approve our products; also ensuring they work properly with the main purpose of helping you move around no matter where you are.
So, if you need a travel mobility scooter; Luggie Scooters is the best place for you to go for advice on foldable scooters. The travel scooters fit in any luaggae space . As well as this, our manufactures guarantee means if there are any faults; We will make sure your problems are resolved with no hassle.
BHTA Get Wise campaign
BHTA Get Wise campaign is all about getting the right advise to consumers. To do this they have created a number on leaflets that offer help and advice to people that have health and disability issues.
The get wise campaign offers some great advice when purchasing a travel mobility scooter. So, if you need a wheelchair or mobility scooter then you can find advise on where to buy plus other topics like:
- How to use you PIP allowance to buy am mobility scooter
- How to finance a Mobility scooter
- Extended Warranty and Service Packages
- Mobility scooter Insurance
The British Healthcare Trades Association are the trading standards of healthcare specialists. Therefore, if you are looking to work with a business that can provide a product that assists your health condition, then contacting a company that is a BHTA member is the first step.
Luggie Scooters are a member of the health association. The scooters pass the approval of BHTA, so were able to offer advice
Overall, the BHTA ensures that the products we sell are beneficial to people that needs assistance to get around. Luggie Scooters sell 9 different options of Luggie mobility scooters, with multiple accessories and colours to choose! Making your Luggie personal to you!
The way to get a travel mobility scooter is by visiting our Luggie Scooter website which shows all the options of mobility scooters that we sell for great prices. In addition, you can book a home demo that shows you the scooter in person so you can see if it is for you. Contact us today to start your Luggie Scooter Experience.