Take a look at the Blog by visiting My Luggie Blogspot here is an extract from Alans blog:
Just a general update on my Luggie experiences so far. I took it with me to Malta earlier this year and, once again, Easyjet was easy to fly with. No bother at all, in fact this time I was asked if I wanted to take the Luggie into the departure gate, which I did. I drove it onto the ambulift and when we reached the aircraft I walked on and left the Luggie with the handlers. I was a little bit nervous that they’d forget to load it onto the plane but they assured me that there would be no problem – and there wasn’t.
At the Malta end, easy peasy, the Luggie was waiting for me and I was escorted through the customs check and that was it. We were met by a dour Maltese who drove the transfer bus and who wasn’t very pleased when he saw the mobility scooter because his firm hadn’t told him we’d be there. But when I showed him how easy it was to fold down, he mellowed a bit – though still a miserable soul!
At the hotel there were steps to negotiate but the staff were very helpful and lifted………Read More…………