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Planning to retire in 2020?

Top tips for retirement in 2020

Planning to retire in 2020? Luggie Scooters wished a fond farewell to a cherished member of the team in December. Chief Engineer Peter hung up his tool belt and left with many plans to fill his new found spare time. After working almost 50 years in the engineering sector he certainly earned an enjoyable retirement. Whilst working with Luggie Scooters Peter had the pleasure of speaking to many customers who had already retired. So he has received plenty of advice of how best to spend his time and enjoy what the future may bring. With many of our customers retired or hoping to retire in the near future we thought we would share some top tips for retirement in 2020.

Planning for retirement

Age UK recently posted advice from BBC Radio 4’s Moneybox presenter Paul Lewis.

‘Financial planning is really just arithmetic. Write down your income, your expenditure, what you really have to spend. Then look at what you might expect, your state pension and any other pension you’ve been paying into. Then see how they balance. If they don’t, then you’re going to have to cut your expenditure or find a way to increase your income once your reach retirement. It might take a while to do a bit of phoning round or looking on the internet, but it’s fairly simple to find information yourself and definitely worth finding out the basics.’

Click here to see Paul Lewis’ videos discussing in depth what to consider when planning to retire.

Retirement Age

There is no law to say what age you should retire. Some see early retirement as a luxury, others find taking part time work more rewarding. Employers cannot force their employees to retire at a particular age and it is important to remember… The decision is yours!

Furthermore there is no requirement for you to discuss your retirement plans with your employer if you do not wish to. Retirement is often a decision that takes many months. There is no need to feel pressured or to rush to decide your retirement plans.

There are many things to consider including your daily living budgets, your pension and other benefits you may be entitled to. Many even consider relocating when it comes to retiring. Perhaps you want to be closer to your family, or fancy enjoying some warmer weather abroad.


Prepare emotionally to retire

It can be a huge change to your life when you retire, especially if you have been working full time. It is important you are emotionally prepared for retirement to prevent feeling lost. It can be quite easy to lose a sense of routine and after years of hard work you want to enjoy every day of retirement!

There is no better way to prepare emotionally for retirement than by making plans! From helping out with Grandchildren child care, to arranging some extravagant holidays.  Making a ‘to do list’ has never been more fun! Get creative when planning to retire.

We wish Luggie Engineer Peter farewell and Bon Voyage! Peter has plans to travel to Ireland early this year. He will also be setting sail on a European Cruise, a great way to see the world. No longer being restricted by annual leave means you can take advantage of fantastic deals.

Holidaying is a very popular choice with many of our retired customers. Just take a look at some of Luggie Scooter customer reviews for further inspiration. Click here to read some of our reviews.

Don’t let your mobility get in the way!

You’ve planned your budget, you’ve decided when to retire, you’ve even decided where you’d like to visit! Now it is important to make sure your mobility doesn’t get in the way of enjoying your plans. Luggie Scooters is reminded daily how the range can really make a difference to someones life.

Rather than watching the family head off on a day out. Start planning how you can enjoy every minute with them. Visits to famous British Landmarks, trips to your favourite shops or even taking the Grandchildren to the local zoo has never been so easy.

There is a Luggie Scooter to suit everyone, differing in range, weight capacity, suspension, colour etc. You can try out every scooter and decide which is best for you with a FREE no obligation home demonstration. Simply call 0800 012 4258 to book now.

Alternatively browse the range on our website, comparing customer reviews and see how the Luggie Scooter could enhance your retirement plans for 2020.